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In Ukraine, a massive system of torture of prisoners in colonies – potentially including murder - has been uncovered. Here’s what is known to the investigation

Torture, coercion, murder. The State Bureau of Investigations of Ukraine is conducting investigative actions into numerous cases of torture of prisoners in several regions of Ukraine

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In particular, in Bozhkovska Correctional Colony No. 16 in the Poltava region, according to the investigation, almost everyone who entered the facility became victims of criminals. New arrivals were threatened with placement among the "outcasts" and were beaten until they broke their will and were forced to unquestionably follow any instructions. A case of torture of a convict for almost an hour in February 2022 has been documented. All of this was accompanied by constant psychological pressure.

Investigation into this incident began in January 2023. In order to establish the persons involved, a series of procedural actions have been carried out, and 10 expert examinations have been appointed, as stated by the Office of the Prosecutor General. Evidence is also being collected regarding other cases of torture, including those resulting in the death of the victim.

It has been established, in particular, that since their arrival at the colony, each of the convicts underwent a harsh admission procedure, during which newcomers were forced to clean the floor, with the process being recorded on video camera. In case of refusal, they were subjected to torture: beaten with hands, feet, rubber clubs, sticks on various parts of the body, twisted arms, and so on. Among other things, for example, a case has been documented where one of the convicts received over 200 blows.

Additionally, the investigation possesses video files capturing the moment of inflicting severe bodily harm on one of the newly arrived prisoners of Bozhkovska Correctional Colony. Expert examination of the video confirmed its authenticity, and the video has been included in the case materials as evidence of the unlawful actions of the penitentiary institution staff.

Four officials of the State Institution "Bozhkovska Correctional Colony (No. 16)" have been notified of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 127 (torture) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (in the edition of the article before amendments by Law No. 2812-IX dated 01.12.2022). The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Work is being done to establish other facts of torture and to collect evidence of the involvement of other prison officials, including the management. In turn, the Ministry of Justice has announced cooperation with law enforcement agencies in the case of violations of the rights of prisoners in Bozhkovska Correctional Colony in the Poltava region.

The materials also contain other facts of torture in this and other correctional institutions, which are currently under investigation, according to the State Bureau of Investigations. In particular, investigative actions are being carried out at the office of the Northeast Interregional Department of the Department of the State Criminal Executive Service and its director based on information received by the investigation about the organization of a system of extortion and abuse in subordinate institutions of criminal punishment enforcement. This concerns the director of the Northeast Interregional Department of the Department of the State Criminal Executive Service (DCES), Georgiy Romanov. In addition to information about the possible organization of a system of extortion and abuse in institutions for the execution of criminal punishments, law enforcement officers are also checking the grounds for Romanov’s acquisition of property in private ownership, which significantly exceeds his official income. This includes apartments, office premises, and luxury cars.

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