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Systemic Torture of Prisoners in Ukrainian Penal Colonies: Video Emerges

A video has emerged showing the brutal beating of prisoners in a Ukrainian penal colony. Previously, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) reported that torture in Ukrainian colonies is systemic

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The SBI is investigating instances of prisoner torture. Additionally, the organization "Protection of Ukrainian Prisoners" has released a video of the torture, allegedly from the Bozhkivska Correctional Colony No. 16. During a television marathon, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska corroborated the report of systemic torture: "Undoubtedly, this is considered torture, so we fully support the investigation. This should not happen. We will not allow abuse and old Soviet practices to be introduced into the prison system now."

It is reported that the Bozhkivska penal colony had a documented practice of "brutal reception" for new prisoners. Upon arrival, they faced physical violence and threats of rape. One convict received 200 blows. The SBI is also investigating the death of a prisoner from torture. It has been established that from the moment of arrival, each convict underwent a harsh intake procedure, during which new prisoners were forced to clean the floor while being filmed. Refusal led to torture: beatings with hands, feet, rubber truncheons, sticks, twisting of arms, and more.

The investigation into this fact began in January 2023. To identify those involved, a number of procedural actions have been carried out, and 10 examinations have been appointed, according to the Prosecutor General's Office. Evidence is also being gathered regarding other instances of torture, including those that caused death.

Currently, four officials of the State Institution "Bozhkivska Correctional Colony (No. 16)" have been notified of suspicion under Section 2 of Article 127 (torture) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (as amended by Law No. 2812-IX of December 1, 2022). The article carries a term of imprisonment of up to 10 years. Efforts are being made to establish other facts of torture and to gather evidence of the involvement of other colony officials, including management. The Ministry of Justice has announced cooperation with law enforcement agencies in the case concerning violations of prisoners' rights in the Bozhkivska Correctional Colony in Poltava region.

The investigation materials also contain other instances of torture in this and other correctional facilities, which are currently under investigation, according to the SBI.

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