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Bakhmatyuk's UkrLandFarming among TOP 15 companies helping to fight coronavirus in Ukraine

Ukraine's healthcare system is facing a great challenge amid the coronavirus pandemic. Business representatives are actively helping doctors and ordinary Ukrainians cope with the situation
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The UkrLandFarming agricultural holding owned by Oleg Bakhmatyuk has allocated UAH 20 million ($ 734,214) for the purchase of medical equipment and materials the hospitals need to fight coronavirus.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine, a whole bunch of problems in the healthcare system have been exposed: the infectious diseases departments in hospitals are not ready to receive a large number of patients, the country has a critically low number of ventilators, and doctors and other medical workers themselves lack basic personal protective gear - suits, gloves and masks. Ukrainian businesses are actively joining in solving the problem. The Delovaya Stolitsa online newspaper has analyzed open sources and found out how much large business representatives have spent on fighting the coronavirus.

The UkrLandFarming agricultural holding owned by businessman Oleg Bakhmatyuk is among the biggest philanthropists. The owner of the Ukrainian agricultural holding has allocated funds, which were spent to purchase ventilators, laboratory equipment, inhalers, disinfectants, and personal protective means for doctors in the regions.

UkrLandFarming is one of ukraine's largest agricultural holdings of duty growing in cereals and oilseeds, other seeds, as well as in livestock farming, and production of eggs and egg products (Avangardco IPL). The enterprises that are part of the group of companies operate in 600 settlements across 22 regions of Ukraine. UkrLandFarming is owned by Ukrainian businessman Oleg Bakhmatyuk.

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