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A case was opened against NABU detectives because of false expert report in Pysaruk-Bakhmatyuk case (DOCUMENT)

State Bureau of Investigations opened criminal case because of allegedly false report of the criminal expert. NABU Detectives suspected in interference in activities of the expert on Pisaruk-Bakhmatyuk case
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This case is registered in Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations. The pre-trial investigation is conducted by the Territorial Directorate of the State Bureau of Investigations in Kyiv. The case was opened because of a possible deliberately false conclusion by a court expert and alleged interference of NABU detectives in the criminal proceedings of NABU in Pisaruk-Bakhmatyuk case. Such an offense qualifies under Article 384 Part 2 of the Criminal Code as a deliberately false opinion of an expert during a pre-trial investigation. Such actions, combined with the artificial creation of evidence of prosecution or defense and committed for selfish reasons, shall be punishable by restriction of liberty for up to five years, or imprisonment for a term of two to five years.

In the case of refinancing of VAB bank NABU blamed the ex-management of the bank for allegedly false valuation of mortgage property of UAH 1.8 billion. Despite the fact of official expert opinions confirming the correct valuation from the Odessa Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, the NABU investigation ignored them and instead referred to some other expertise. Case opened by State Bureau of Investigations concerns this expert report that contradicts all previous official examinations.

The case of Pisaruk-Bakhmatyuk, which was reopened by NABU in violation of the current legislation, concerns the NBU loan to VAB Bank. The official expert opinions, the findings of the Deposit Guarantee Fund and the statements of the NBU now refute the allegations made publicly by NABU to the former management and ex-owner of the bank. In addition, Oleg Bakhmatyuk, the former owner of VBB Bank, has repeatedly proposed to repay bank's debt, but has not received an answer yet.

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