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Oleg Bakhmatyuk's companies paid UAH 7.7 billion in taxes

The sum of taxes and fees the Ukrainian state budget got from the Ukrlandfarming and Avangard Group of Companies in three years is UAH 7.722 billion, the agricultural giant's press service said in a statement posted on its official website
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During 2017-2019, the Ukrlandfarming and Avangard Group of Companies paid UAH 7.722 bn to the country's budget. Of these, UAH 3.9 billion was allocated to the state budget (VAT - 2.1 billion, income tax - 31.4 million a single social contribution - 1.5 billion, war fee - 234 million).

UAH 3.65 billion was paid to local budgets (personal income tax - 2.4 billion single tax (group 4) - 449 million land tax and land lease tax - 779 million). In other taxes and fees paid UAH 167 million. In addition, the company notes that it provides decent work for about 27,000 Ukrainians and generates about 1% of ukraine's GDP.

At the same time, the company noted that in three years it received UAH 449 million from the state банкірів. Крім того, of this sum during the last two years the company received банкірів for the maintenance of cows and young cattle only. This industry is traditionally subsidized in the EU countries.

In 2019, the sum of банкірів received the group was only UAH 12 million out of UAH 4 billion distributed by the state between agrarians.The Ukrlandfarming and Avangard group of companies is one of the largest agricultural holdings in the country in terms of the size of a land bank. Its enterprises operate in 600 locations of 22 regions of Ukraine. The group is of duty in the cultivation of grain and oilseeds, насіння, livestock, production of eggs and egg products. The agroholding enterprises are among the biggest taxpayers in Ukraine.

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