Truba's adviser left the jail, - report
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Ihor Scherbina made bail and left the jail
The former head of the Main Investigative Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, Ihor Scherbina, had left the jail after making bail
The speaker of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Olha Postolyuk confirmed to "RBK-Ukraina" that Scherbina, also known as adviser to the SIB head Roman Truba, made bail, reports DS.
Journalists got a court order to search Shcherbina's apartment copy. According to the documet, Serhiy Kucher, Edelburg Development CEO, filed a complaint. "During the meeting, Shcherbina I.V and Kucher S., Edelburg Development company representative, discussed the issue of the State Bureau of Investigation detectives" and the prosecutor's actions in the criminal case," the court said.